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Eszter Wong

Coming from a career in nursing, I have walked beside people in their most vulnerable times and so I am quite comfortable holding space for people to be their authentic selves. This personal exploration and honest reflection is often what helps people work through their presenting issues - just to be heard, to be witnessed, for their thoughts to be held in a safe space.

For much of my career, I have supported women around their reproductive years, pregnancy/childbirth preparation and early parenting journeys. I understand first-hand and professionally, the impact of being a woman and a parent on an individual, and their family. Another common experience for women (and all people eventually) is grief and loss. Whether it is grief in the form of bereavement, dealing with illness or relationship issues, or the lesser known losses that few seem to acknowledge or recognise, such as sense of identity/career/body image etc, I support people experiencing grief and loss which is especially helpful when it feels like the rest of the world has "moved on".

As a counsellor, I work from a person centred approach, being guided by your needs, drawing from multiple approaches in order to help you reach your goals. We may also add empowering tools such as mindfulness practice, EFT tapping into the mix when it may be beneficial. Many of my clients live with mild anxiety which can benefit from such tools and coping strategies.

I have lived experience of many of the issues my clients present with and am on my own self development journey.

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